Membership and Class Policies

Open Sailing

Scheduled open sailing hours are posted in the sailing center. These are the hours when the facility is open for general membership use. There will be a 1½ hour time limit on sailing when all of one type of craft are on the water.

The Officer of the day (OD) will superwise open sailing hours. The OD has complete authority in all sailing aspects of the center while on duty. The OD may also impose any restrictions or call boats off the water as they see necessary. The OD may refuse to allow anyone to sail if, in their judgement the rescue craft cannot be launched through the surf, the conditions are too severe for a person's ability level, or if a member is sailing recklessly.


All members must have a "skipper" rating before they are allowed to skipper any craft. Skipper ratings are not transferable between boats and boards. See the OD for details on our rating system. "Experienced skipper" rating is required on days a yellow flag is flown.


We encourage memebers to introduce people to our facilities by bringing them as guests. All guests must sign a release form at the desk before going out on the water. Guests cannot singlehand any craft. Members must steer the craft at all times!


Members must take responsibility for for knowing the limits of their sailing ability and must exercise prudent judgement to avoid a potential emergency on the water.

Property Damage

Members are responsible for damage to craft and facilities. Members will pay for any damages they cause. Damages must be paid for in full before a member is permitted to use any craft again. Hulls, sails and rigs should never come in contact with pavement, rocks or the breakwall. Darin all hulls before stowage.

Safety Rules

Wear a PFD at all times while on the water!

Stay with your craft - never attempt to swim to shore.

Report all accidents, injury or damage to the OD immediatelly.

Memorize and obey all NUSC flag and sound signals and respond immediatelly.

Do not launch/sail any craft without express permission of the OD.

Never overload boats: 420 - 3 people max; Laser - 2 people max; Windsurfer - 1 person.

Motorbpoats are for the exclusive use of the OD, instructors and race committee.

Raise masts and carry rigs cautiosly. If in doubt, ask the OD.

Members with private craft may only launch during NUSC hours of open sailing with the permission of the OD.

Do not land boats/boards at any location other than the NUSC beach.


Participation in the sailing activities at NUSC is at one's own risk. Safety and rescue precautions are in place, but one must recognize the inherent risk involved in aquatic activities. All members, students and guests must be able to swim at least 25 yards.

The user of any craft is responsible for inspection of any craft being used. If close attention reveals that any part of the hull, rigging or hardware is damaged to the point that it may result in a failure, immediatelly report condition to the OD. They will either fix the problem or assign you a different craft.

Members, students and guests are encouraged not to bring valuables to the NUSC. The NUSC is not responsible for loss or damage to personal property.

Check out Procedures

Prior to sailing:

Upon return:

Class Membership Rights

Enrolment in a sailing or windsurfing class gives students the same rights and responsibilities as members with two exceptions:


Members and guests are not allowed to use NUSC tools or equipment for personal use without the prior permission of the NUSC staff.

Members and guests behavior or conduct must not interfere with the right of other members to use and enjoy the NUSC facilities;

Always clean up after yourself.

Alcohol Policy

The possession and/or consumption of alcohol while on NU sailing center grounds or watercraft is strictly prohibited except during NU sailing center sanctioned events. All watercraft must be in for the day. Members in violation of this policy will lose membership at the NU sailing center with no refund of fees.

Payment and Refund Policies

Class Fee Refund Policy

You will receive a full refund, less a $20.00 processing fee, if you cancel your enrollment at least 2 business days prior to the first class. You will receive a 50 percent refund, less a $20.00 processing fee if you cancel less than 2 business days prior to the first class. No refunds are given after the first day of class. A receipt is required to process all refunds. A Sailing Center credit may be given in lieu of a refund.